2 Sudbury rinks to wear Northern Ontario colours at first ever under-18 national championship
Under-18 Canadian Curling Championships to be held in Moncton April 18-22

Jacob Horgan says his friends don't understand why he plays an old person's sport.
"They think it's pretty weird," says the 17-year-old skip of the northern Ontario rink at the upcoming and first ever Canadian under-18 championships.
"Most people don't know that curling's competitive."

Most of the other eight Sudbury, Ont., teens who will be heading to Moncton next week to compete for a national title get a similar ribbing from their friends.
"They usually say curling's not a sport," says 17-year-old second Syndie Stinson.
"I actually had the opportunity to bring a couple of my friends out, and they came to school the next day with a bunch of bruises from falling over."
But that could change in the years to come with the sport becoming more and more competitive.
The fact that there is now a national championship for curlers under 18 is a sign of that.
And all of the Northern Ontario competitors are dreaming that they can one day make a living out of throwing rocks and sweeping ice.