Calendar riddled with errors has Sudbury MPP Glenn Thibeault apologizing to Francophones
Constituents in Sudbury got a mail-out from MPP Glenn Thibeault this week that's causing a stir among Francophones.
A free 2017 calendar features Thibeault and his family on the front, with pictures of Sudbury pets throughout.
The text on the inside page is written in both English and French, however the French portion contains numerous errors.
Serge Miville, a history professor at Laurentian University and Research Chair in Franco-Ontarian history, says it came across as if the French-language portion was an after-thought.
Miville says it happens often in both public and private sectors when one language is translated into another word by word. He says anyone creating a publication to be distributed to thousands of people should attempt to catch those errors before the document is printed.

Miville doesn't want a new calendar from Thibeault, but rather a higher standard for future publications from the MPP and his staff.
"To accept the fault and to say we're going to not ever do this again," said Miville. He adds that he hopes the next time Thibeault issues a mail-out, or the next time the MPP communicates with the public, he and his staff ensure there are no mistakes.
"If that's the case then this is worth it, simply because it'll increase the professionalism of the communications between the MPP and the citizens," says Miville.
The office of the French Language Commissioner for Ontario did receive a complaint about Thibeault's calendar.
Commissioner François Boileau says he spoke to Thibeault, as well as Thibeault's staff at his offices in Sudbury and Toronto. Boileau says the commission has no jurisdiction in this matter because the calendar is not an official government document.
"But, having said that we asked them very gently to do what they need to do to be aware of the situation. If they want to redo the whole thing that's their own business," says Boileau.
Thibeault issued a statement: "I would like to offer my sincere apologies for these unfortunate printing errors throughout the calendar. The purpose of this calendar is to celebrate the rich community we have in Sudbury. French language and culture are vital for the Northeast and for Sudbury. My team and I will strive to do better in the future."