Thursday evenings a hit with Sudbury market-goers
Customers, vendors excited about the new evening market in second location

The Greater Sudbury Market says Thursday evenings have been a hit with customers and vendors throughout July.
Last year, market organizers decided to replace the regular Sunday market and pilot the new weekday time-slot to appeal to different customers, including those who tend to go to their camp or cottage on weekends.
They were 'blown away' by the number of people who attended the first week market manager Colleen Burns said.
"Farmers were ... close to being sold out almost within half an hour."
Their numbers have been great ever since, even attracting people from out of town Burns said.
"We had a family who ... had actually looked us up on the internet and come specifically for the Thursday market because they were on their way to go camping at Fairbanks."
Vendor doing better business
Many vendors are also happy with the change.
"Some people are saying that they're actually doing better business at that location," Burns said.
She attributes some of the success to where the Thursday market is located, in the municipal parking lot on the corner of York and Paris Street.
"There's just a steady stream of traffic going by that place," she said. "You come by, you see the tents, you think 'what's going on?"
"I think people also like the easy access. They can drive in, park right there, walk over to the stands," Burns said.
The proximity to Bell Park and many popular summer festivals, like Northern Lights Festival Boréal, is also a bonus, but Burns doesn't think they need to rely on that for traffic.
"We've seen really great numbers, and there hasn't been any coinciding festival."
Burns said that the market working group —a committee made up of city staff, market vendors and members of the community— will review the numbers at the end of the season.
The Thursday market runs from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., every Thursday until September 21. The Saturday market at the usual Elgin Street location, is open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., until October 28.