Rain dampening international fireworks show
It’s not just the spectators who are getting rained on. The fireworks teams feel disappointed, too.

The fireworks crew in Timmins is hoping that weather will be a bit more cooperative over the next few days leading up to Canada Day.
As part of the Stars and Thunder festival, the city is hosting an international fireworks competition.
Some of the shows have already been cancelled. And it's not just spectators that are feeling disappointed.
Team Canada's Doug Fraser, who is in charge of setting up the shows, said it's always hard to cancel a show.
"It's heartbreaking because of all the work we put in," Fraser said. "We've got two full shows loaded and ready to go, and we couldn't fire one of them."
Fraser said he was nervous climbing the stage to tell the audience about the cancellation.
"It was incredible," Fraser said. "There was no booing, everybody appreciated what was going on. They respected the fact that if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen."
"Mother nature is in charge."
Team Canada is not competing but will put on its own show as part of the closing ceremonies on Canada Day.