4 new COVID-19 cases connected to Timmins hospital
All patients in affected unit have been tested, additional measures taken to close off access to unit

Four new cases of COVID-19 announced today by the Porcupine Health Unit are all linked to an outbreak at the Timmins District Hospital.
The cases were identified during the investigation into the outbreak that was declared last weekend.
"Two of these individuals are staff and two are patients," said Dr. Lianne Catton, medical officer of health.
"The investigation is ongoing at this time to determine any potential linkages. As you can all imagine the process is extensive and we continue to work with Timmins and District Hospital and their team."
The health unit says two women — one in her 70s and another in her 90s — remain in hospital in Timmins. The other two cases— a woman in her 50s and a woman in her 20s — are self-isolating.
The hospital has tested about 200 staff members so far — about 25 per cent — said president and CEO Blaise MacNeil.
All patients in the affected unit have been tested as well, and additional measures to close off access to the affected unit have been taken.
'We're not there yet'
Finding the source of the infection will take some time, MacNeil added.
"We will continue to work closely with the Porcupine Health Unit regarding additional testing requirements as the investigation process continues ... we are taking all precautions as we move through this investigative process."
"We can't say enough, the most important thing we can do as a community is adhere to the social restrictions to avoid the temptations to gather and enjoy nicer weather. We know that we are making progress with curbing the spread of COVID-19, but it's vital to our health care sector that we continue that progress," MacNeil said.
He noted that current data suggests the virus is well-established in the Porcupine Health Unit catchment area.
"That is why I'm so concerned about easing social restrictions and [keeping them] firmly in place. Simply put we're not there yet."
MacNeil said the investigation at the hospital is evolving quickly
"This contact tracing looks like a family tree, once you start getting into it. So it's very complex. But my staff is working through it, in consultation with the health unit, and we'll continue to test as advised by the health unit.."
The reality that five people who have had some sort of contact with the hospital are now testing positive for COVID-19 is of grave concern, MacNeil said.
"I think it's fair to say that everybody's anxiety levels are high."