Hwy 69 now open at Pointe au Baril, Hwy 522 washed out, detour expected late Friday
There is nothing funny about the roads in northeastern Ontario this April Fool's Day

The heavy rain has taken a toll on highways in northeastern Ontario.
After hours of flooding in the area, Highway 69 at Pointe Au Baril is now open, provincial police say.
Other road closures and warnings reported by police:
- Highway 141, just west of Rosseau, is closed due to a sinkhole. The MTO says it's hoping to have it repaired and passable by two a.m. Saturday.
- Highway 537 is closed between Old Wanup Road and Cross Road due to flooding. It's a spot that floods every year and is expected to remain closed for a while.
- Highway 522 is closed just west of Highway 524 for westbound traffic and at Golden Valley for eastbound traffic due to flooding. The MTO says Commanda Lake Road will be fixed late tonight so that light traffic will have a detour until 522 is fixed.
- Highway 11 in the community of Mattice at Gagnon road is fully open. It was closed due to a vehicle fire.
See problems on the roads or highways? Send a note to @Sudburytraffic on Twitter, or phone the CBC Sudbury newsroom at 705-688-3240. Find more information on road conditions on the Ministry of Transportation website.
<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Wanup?src=hash">#Wanup</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Hwy537?src=hash">#Hwy537</a> between Hwy 69 and Cross RD. All lanes in both directions are closed due to flooding. <a href="https://t.co/8gR2AG9BEG">pic.twitter.com/8gR2AG9BEG</a>
Highway 69 at Pointe au Baril <a href="https://t.co/E0fV80InR3">pic.twitter.com/E0fV80InR3</a>
<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HWY69?src=hash">#HWY69</a> is closed at <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PointauBaril?src=hash">#PointauBaril</a> due to flooding. NB traffic detour via <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Hwy64?src=hash">#Hwy64</a>. SB traffic detour via <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Hwy124?src=hash">#Hwy124</a>