New Sudbury waste collection contract likely to raise taxes: Kirwan
City discussing options as old waste collection agreement expires this month

Sudbury city council will discuss a newly proposed waste collection contract next Tuesday, but at least one councillor warns the new agreement could result in higher taxes.
The current waste collection contract expires this month. The new one is expected to cost $2.6 million from next year's city budget.
Councillor Robert Kirwan predicts the new ten-year contract would raise taxes by an additional one per cent for most city households if accepted.
"If we've got a certain level of services that we want to provide and we feel that we can't afford the increase than we have to cut back on services," Kirwan said.
"So we've got some tough things to discuss."
Both William Day Construction and Waste Management Canada have put in bids for the city's contract.
Kirwan said he does not want to see taxes raised too high or users fees become too expensive.
"User fees are nothing more than a direct tax on people who are using our services," he said.
"People can only afford so much."
The public will have a chance to weigh in on the discussion at a budget consultation meeting on Wednesday at the Howard Armstrong Recreation Centre in Hanmer at 6:30 p.m.