Rainbow District Animal Shelter searching for owners after wounded dog found in Naughton
Shelter sets up GoFundMe campaign to pay for vet bills

The Rainbow District Animal Shelter is looking for information about a wounded dog found near Naughton.
According to a a release sent by the shelter Friday morning, 'Shelby' — a name given by shelter staff — was first seen on October 25 on the side of Municipal Road 55 near Atikameksheng Anishnawbek.
At some point, the dog was injured, likely by a car, the shelter said. She was eventually caught on October 31 using a live trap, and taken to local veterinarian. The shelter said they are waiting on results from x-rays, but it appears the dog may have suffered fractures requiring an arthrodesis procedure.
Shelby also has two broken K-9 teeth that will need to be extracted, the shelter said.
The dog is estimated to be around two years old, and officers with Atikameksheng Anishnawbek territory do not believe she is from the area, the shelter added.
Anyone with information on who Shelby's owners are, or that have any information on how Shelby came to be in the Naughton area is asked to contact Rainbow District Animal Services and By-Law Enforcement at 705-673-3647 or 1-800-836-6661.