Your guide to municipal debates

Several debates and all candidates events have been scheduled in Greater Sudbury and around northeastern Ontario, leading up to the Oct. 27 municipal election.
Greater Sudbury mayor debates
There are 10 candidates: Jean-Raymond Audet, Brian Bigger, Jeanne Brohart, Ron Dupuis, Jeff Huska, Richard Majkot, Dan Melanson, Ed Pokonzie, David Popescu and John Rodriguez.
- Oct. 1, Good Green Town Hall, St. Andrew's Place, 111 Larch Street, Meet and greet with Council candidates 6:00 p.m. Mayoral Town Hall 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
- Oct. 9, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 pm at Older Adult Parkside Centre, 144 Durham Street, sponsored by Friendly to Seniors – Sudbury, the local chapter of the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP)
- Oct. 9, 7 p.m., Days Inn, 117 Elm St, Worthington North Room, hosted by the Young Professionals Association.
- Oct. 15, 7.p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Collège Boréal Concert Hall, organized by Sudbury and District Chamber of Commerce.
Oct. 16, 6 to 8 p.m., St. Andrew's Place, 111 Larch Street, hosted by the Downtown Sudbury Business Improvement Association.
West End-Gatchell-Moonglo-Robinson (Ward 1) debates
There are 10 candidates: Matt Alexander, Denis Ferron, Mathieu Labonte, Sidney Shapiro, Mark Signoretti, Paul Soucie, Chris Spry and Tom Trainor.
- Sept. 22, 7 p.m., Caruso Club, 385 Haig Street, organized by the Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association
Copper Cliff-Lively-Naughton-Whitefish (Ward 2) debates
There are five candidates: Jacques Barbeau, Chad Odonokon, Joseph Palmateer, Michael Vagnini and Dan Xilon.
- Oct. 2, 7 p.m., Copper Cliff Curling Club, 39 Veterans Road, organized by the Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association
Chelmsford-Dowling-Onaping-Levack (Ward 3) debates
There are four candidates: Matt Belanger, Jesse Gaudet, Gerry Montpellier and Marcel Montpellier.
- Sept. 23, 7 p.m., Chelmsford Legion, 3523 Errington Avenue, organized by the Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association
Azilda-Donovan-Elm West (Ward 4) debates
There are three candidates: Francois Couture, Evelyn Dutrisac and Paul Lefebvre.
- Sept. 29, 7 p.m. at Azilda Lions Hall, 3964 Municipal Road 15, organized by Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association.
Cambrian Heights-Val Caron-Blezard Valley (Ward 5) debates
There are five candidates: Joseph Berthelot, Robert Kirwan, Richard Larcher, John Lundrigan and Kent MacNeill.
- Sept. 30, 7 p.m. at Kin Hall in Blezard Valley, Landgon Street, organized by Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association.
Hanmer-Val Therese (Ward 6) debates
There are four candidates: Fernand Bidal, Kevin Brault, Rene Lapierre and Andre Rivest.
- Sept. 25, 7 p.m. at Golden Age Club in Hanmer, 26 Cote Blvd., organized by Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association.
Garson-Falconbridge-Capreol (Ward 7) debates
There are five candidates: Robin Auger, Gordon Drysdale, Mike Jakubo, Dave Kilgour and Walter Prus.
- Oct. 9, 7 p.m. at the Capreol Legion, 16 Young Street, organized by Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association.
New Sudbury (Ward 8) debates
There are five candidates: Michael Cullen, Kerry Latham, Gerry Perras, Stefano Presenza and Al Sizer.
- Oct. 7, 7 p.m. at NORCAT, 1545 Maley Drive, organized by Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association.
South End-Long Lake-Coniston-Wahnapitae (Ward 9) debates
There are seven candidates: Aaron Beaudry, Lin Gibson, Les Lisk, Wyman MacKinnon, Deb McIntosh, Paul Stopciati and Will Thomson.
- Oct. 22, 7 p.m. at the Colonial Inn, 28 Cedar Street in Coniston, organized by the Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association.
Lockerby, Lo-Ellen, University Area, Kingsmount and Downtown (Ward 10) debates
There are five candidates: John Antonioni, Fern Cormier, Hannu Piironen, Steve Ripley and Mila Wong.
- Oct. 16, 7 p.m. at the Lockerby Legion, 2200 Long Lake Road, organized by the Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association.
Minnow Lake-Adanac (Ward 11) debates
There are five candidates: Mike Bleskie, Terry Kett, Vincent Lacroix, Chris Nerpin, Lynn Reynolds.
- Oct. 20, 7 p.m. at Legion Branch 76, 1553 Weller Street, organized by the Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association.
Flour Mill-New Sudbury (Ward 12) debates
There are six candidates: Tay Butt, Joscelyne Landry-Altmann, Robert McCarthy and Shawn Ouimet.
- Oct. 21, 7 p.m. at Croatian Hall, 571 Kathleen Street, organized by the Greater Sudbury Taxpayers Association.
Sault Ste. Marie debates
There are six candidates: Debbie Amaroso, Heather Cook, Robin Coull, Ted Johnston, Christian Provenzano and Austin Williams.
North Bay debates
There are four candidates for mayor: Greg A. Gray, Al McDonald, Daniel Seguin and Harvey Villneff.
Wednesday, October 1st at St. Joseph Scollard Hall Auditorium, 6 pm Meet and Greet, 7 pm Formal part of the evening begins with speeches and debate. Organized by North Bay Chamber of Commerce.
Timmins debates
There are three candidates for mayor: Steve Black, Todd Lever and Allan Manchester.
- Tuesday, October 7, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, O'Gorman High School, 150 George Street. Organized by Timmins Chamber of Commerce