3 individuals, 4 community projects recognized for 'outstanding efforts'
Awards were presented at Monday's committee of the whole meeting

Three community safety leaders and four community projects were recognized in Thunder Bay, Ont., on Monday evening during the Eighth Annual Mayor's Community Safety Awards ceremony, for their work to make the city a safer community.
"I wish to offer my sincerest congratulations thanks to each of this year's recipients," Mayor Keith Hobbs stated in a written release on Monday. "They are setting an example through their outstanding efforts to improve our community."
He said since the inception of these awards in 2011, a total of 45 "deserving individuals and projects" have been recognized for their hard work and dedication to make Thunder Bay a better place for everyone.
This year's Mayor's Community Safety Award Recipients are:
- Ron Kanutski, a long-time entertainer and dedicated mental health and addictions consultant. Kanutski fostered 24 children and youth who need a home and family. He received the Community Hero Award for his mentorship and healing circles.
- Rahne Mehagan, who received the Young Leader Award, has dedicated hundreds of volunteer hours to numerous organizations and community events that helps to beautify the city and keep Thunder Bay safe.
- Dalton Shapwaykeesic received the Neighbourhood Youth Action Award for helping out wherever he can at the community youth centre, Evergreen a United Neighbourhood.
In addition, four community projects were also recognized on Monday:
- Out of the Cold, a program at Grace Place that works to ensure that no member of the community is left outside in the harsh elements.
- StandUp4CleanUp is a community initiative that mobilizes volunteers and partners to help Joshua Donald Hewitt in his efforts to help clean up the city as a way to increase safety.
- Neechee Studio, located in Definitely Superior Art Gallery. This studio provides a safe place, free of stigma and marginalization, for youth to explore art accompanied by elder teachings and protocol.
- Thunder Bay Situation Table, a community-led initiative that consists of a team of service providers working to deliver wrap-around interventions for people at imminent risk of criminalization, victimization or harm to self or others.
Each of the four outstanding community projects received a $1,000 award from their sponsor to support community safety efforts. The awards were presented at Monday's city council meeting.