Bike path detour on Thunder Bay's to-do list

The City of Thunder Bay is moving ahead with a new stretch of bike path linking the north and south sides.
A local cyclist is circulating a petition, asking the city to install a culvert, to create a trail between Winnipeg Avenue and Carrick Street, but the city's active transportation co-ordinator says the new section is already part of the master transportation plan.
Work on the culvert should be done in about 10 days, Adam Krupper said.
'Safety is always an issue'
“You have to make sure the lighting is adequate, and that brush is cleared and that there are good sight lines. Safety is always an issue,” he said. “It's on the queue and they're expecting to get it done fairly soon.”
Krupper says water damage and other culvert work due to last year's flooding delayed work on the project.
A survey crew has to go out and measure the size of the ditch, and determine the water flow and the peak flow. Based on the volume of that flow, an appropriate culvert will be brought in. Once that's done, Krupper said, an engineer has to draw up a work plan and the city will then get workers to put the culvert in place.
The new trail is "a way of helping people get across town and it allows them to avoid all the busy traffic on Memorial,” Krupper said.