Spring bear hunt: are the animals eaten, or just kept as trophies?
Hunter says bear meat among his favourite game to eat

The announcement that Ontario's spring bear hunt is returning has ignited some old discussions about the divisive issue, including this one: Do people actually eat bear meat or just take the pelts as trophies?
John Kaplanis of Thunder Bay has been pursuing bears for two decades, and says the meat is excellent eating.
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"For me it's one of my favourite table fares," he said. "Because the meat is quite tender and makes for a variety of really tasty meals. There are a variety of good reasons for keeping the meat and utilizing it."
Kaplanis says like many things about bear hunting, the quality of bear meat is largely misunderstood.
He says under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act a hunter who has harvested a black bear must — by law — retain the meat and use it for food.