Bus drivers want more efficient Thunder Bay routes

The union representing city transit drivers in Thunder Bay has its own ideas on improving bus service in the city.
The president of the Amalgamated Transit Union, Sheila Kivisto, made a presentation to city councillors Monday night. She said city transit needs to change its routes, and build a central terminal.
"We would like to be in and around Intercity," Kivisto said. "That … would be the main focus and the main point for everybody to … get where they're going."
Kivisto noted that transit should have one priority when it comes to improving customer service: "changing the routes so that they're effective and efficient."
Councillor Paul Pugh latched onto Kivisto's idea of a central terminal.
"You seem to be indicating that you would be favouring a location close to Intercity mall," he said.
Councillor Linda Rydholm said she wants to see better service for residential areas that currently don’t have a bus route.
"But there's another new subdivision I'm wondering about, and that's Parkdale," she said. "Have you given any thought to Parkdale subdivision?"
Yet another suggestion was brought forth when Kivisto remarked that a new arena should also have a strong transit component, to create a community hub.
The union will bring all these ideas to the table when it sits down with the transit department within the next few months.