Carbon monoxide killed Nipigon couple: OPP

Provincial police confirm it was carbon monoxide that killed a couple in Nipigon, Ont.
Nipigon residents Yvan Gaujean, 60, and Claire Limag-Gaujean, 45, were found dead in their home Monday afternoon.
Their eight-year-old son was found alive and taken to hospital.
Nipigon OPP Staff Sgt. Randy Bye said the post mortem examinations have been completed, and he can confirm carbon monoxide poisoning was the cause of both deaths.
It's unclear what the source of the carbon monoxide was, but Bye said the OPP's Forensic Identification Unit was inspecting the home's furnace.

The boy has been released and is currently staying with other family members.
Bye said the OPP put together a care package of clothing and Easter candy for the boy, since he can't retrieve anything from the house.
Deputy chief Greg Hankkio of the Thunder Bay Fire Service called the incident "a tragedy," and said he looks forward to the day when carbon monoxide alarms are mandatory in Ontario homes.
"We understand that, to achieve 100 per cent compliance is ... going to be difficult to do. But that is, at the end of the day, our goal."
Legislation making carbon monoxide alarms mandatory was passed in November.
Hankkio said once the rules take effect, the department will conduct an education campaign.
"Smoke alarms alert the occupants to the danger of smoke and fire,” he said.
“It's our belief that carbon monoxide alarms or detectors will do the same thing in the event of increased carbon monoxide levels in a home."
In the meantime, Hankkio suggested anyone with a gas burning appliance such as a furnace or a stove get them tested by a qualified technician to ensure they're working properly.