Chiefs to debate control of education at AFN meeting in Halifax
Chiefs will meet again in December to elect new AFN Grand Chief

Education will be the key topic of discussion Thursday for chiefs at the annual general meeting of the Assembly of First Nations in Halifax.
Ontario Regional Chief Stan Beardy said he hopes these discussions can lead to a new agreement on how First Nations and government can work together on the issue.
Beardy said the federal government's proposed First Nations Control of First Nations Education Act failed to actually give control to First Nations people.
He said the residential school experience, a system designed without input from aboriginal people or consideration of who they are, should serve as a cautionary example.
"It didn't work last time and it will not work again," said Beardy.
The federal government put the education bill on hold in May after it was soundly rejected by First Nations.
Beardy said he hopes this week chiefs can reach an accord on how to work with the federal government to address its concerns, while also acknowledging the concerns of First Nations.
He said he wants to "make sure that this may be the best system in providing success for our children."
Leadership change offers hope of renewal

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Harvey Yesno was in Halifax for the decision to select a new leader in December.
He said he hopes the process will lead to some positive changes and "gives us a renewed energy and resolve to look at things that have been sitting dormant."
The new national chief will be chosen at meetings in Winnipeg.