City studying role of sewers in basement flooding
Flood report stopped short of addressing homeowners' concerns, Thunder Bay resident says
Some Thunder Bay homeowners are waiting to see what the city plans to do with its sewer system after the big flood last May destroyed hundreds of basements.
The engineering consultant's report released at city hall this week dealt only with the sewage treatment plant, however residents are wondering about another report in the works that deals with storm sewers.

People like Conrad Letowski say they want to hear more about the condition of the city's storm and sanitary sewers.
Letowski lives in Northwood, one of the areas hardest hit by sewer backups and flooding last May.
He went to a council meeting Monday night to hear the report on the sewage plant. Letowski said he found the report credible but said it stopped short.
"They didn't really address the flows going into the plant and where they came from and how they impacted the Northwood area," he said.
"We would have liked to [see] some of that looked into."
The city said more information will be coming soon.
In an e-mail to CBC News, Darrell Matson, manager of infrastructure and operations said the city has done a lot of work to separate the sanitary and storm sewers — and work is ongoing.
Matson said more information will come out next year when the city updates its plans.
A report from consultant Hatch McDonald — hired to study the sewer system — is due for release sometime in the new year.