CRTC roaming decision won't mean lighter bills for Tbaytel cell customers
"We're going to see where this will impact those negotiated agreements we have with other carriers."

Tbaytel cell phone customers may not see any decrease to their bills after the CRTC ruled large telecom companies must give smaller ones a price break on roaming.
In a decision this week, the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission has capped the amount big telecom companies can charge smaller ones for roaming.

Tbaytel manager of corporate brand communication Katie Crowe said the company already has a "sound and fair agreement'" with Rogers.
"They won't see a reduction at this point. The immediate impact will not be evident to the end user. Over time, we're going to see where this will impact those negotiated agreements we have with other carriers."
Crowe said the companies that will benefit the most are regional carriers, like MTS in Manitoba and Sasktel.
She said Tbaytel has some sort of agreement with all of the big three phone companies: Bell, Rogers and Telus.
"Most of the agreements are reciprocal. You want to make sure that not only are the customers of the other carriers able to roam with your network, but vice versa. That your customers are able to roam on their network."