Thunder Bay gets new active transportation trail
New trail to run from Golf Links Road connecting to Confederation College

Thunder Bay is one of 37 municipalities receiving money from the Ontario government to build new, or improve existing cycling infrastructure.
The city will use the funding to build a new 850 metre trail from Golf Links Road connecting to Confederation College.
That will extend the existing multi-use trail on Golf Links Road south, then into College property to connect to the trails along the McIntyre River, Ford Street, then into Lakehead University.
The city of Thunder Bay's active mobility coordinator is applauding the funding.
Adam Krupper said it's the first time the Ministry of Transportation has dedicated money for active transportation infrastructure.
"What this helps us do as a community, it allows us to take on big projects, we wouldn't be able to do. It allows us to create connections we have wanted to do for years," Krupper said.
The trail is scheduled for construction in 2017.
According to a government news release, projects approved for funding had to meet certain criteria including promoting safety, enabling recreation and tourism, and improving awareness of cycling as a viable transportation mode.