Driver charged after minivan hits pedestrian on Balmoral Street

Thunder Bay Police have charged a man in connection with an incident that saw a vehicle strike a pedestrian Monday morning.
The motorist showed up at police headquarters Tuesday and identified himself, after media reports about the incident.
Police said a 35-year-old man was crossing Balmoral Street at William Street in the crosswalk when he was hit by a minivan that was making a turn.
They said the driver pulled to the curb and stopped momentarily but then fled the scene.
The pedestrian wasn't seriously hurt but was taken to hospital by ambulance.
On Tuesday morning police issued a statement asking for witnesses to the collision to come forward, and urging the driver to file a report with police.
"All drivers are reminded that it is a criminal offence to fail to stop and render assistance at a collision scene when someone is injured," the news release stated.
"[Drivers are] required to give identification in the form of name and address to that injured person at the scene. It should also be mentioned that under the Highway Traffic Act, there is an obligation to make a police report any time that any injury occurs, or combined damages exceed $1000."