Painted rain barrels up for auction
Annual auction raises funds for EcoSuperior's environmental programs

Thunder Bay residents looking for a one-of-a-kind way to help the environment are in luck: the annual EcoSuperior painted rain barrel auction is back this weekend.
The barrels, which have been painted by Thunder Bay artists, will be on display at the Spring Home and Garden Show from 5 p.m. Friday, April 6 to 3 p.m. Sunday, April 8 at the CLE grounds.
Bids start at $75, and all funds raised go toward supporting EcoSuperior's environmental programs.
"We are so grateful for the time and creativity volunteered by so many wonderful artists in our community," event coordinator Vik Wilen said in a media release. "There is something for everyone, with themes ranging from wildlife and butterflies, to Indigenous art and local landmarks."
Bids can be made in person at the Home and Garden Show, or texted to EcoSuperior at 807-252-9233.
The auction runs until Sunday at 3 p.m.