Forest fires left to burn in Pukaskwa National Park
Officials at Pukaskwa National Park say burning will help ecosystem

Pukaskwa National Park officials are monitoring the progress of four lightning-caused wildfires and one prescribed burn.
Three of the naturally caused fires are on remote ridge tops, close to Lake Superior, while the fourth is in the interior.
Officials said the fires range up to 15 hectares in size but are showing minimal spread.
A deliberately set fire at Cascade Lake continues to smoulder in some areas, but is expected to go out by itself as the weather turns colder.
A helicopter equipped with an aerial ignition device started the fire earlier this month. Parks Canada officials said it covers 215 hectares and is expected to smoulder over the next few weeks.
Eventually, all 1000 hectares of the Cascade Lake site will be regenerated by prescribed burning, something Parks Canada officials say will lead to a healthier and more biodiverse ecosystem.