First Nations school of Toronto hires popular Thunder Bay principal
Jonathan Kakegamic will lead Toronto school as it moves to include First Nations high school students

After months of a gruelling inquest into the deaths of students at the First Nations high school he ran in Thunder Bay, Ont., principal Jonathan Kakegamic is moving to Toronto.
The Toronto District School Board announced on its website on Monday that Kakegamic is the new principal of the First Nations School of Toronto.
Kakegamic was principal at Dennis Franklin Cromarty First Nations high school in Thunder Bay for seven years, leading the school as it dealt with several tragedies and recently testifying at the inquest into the deaths of six students who attended the school.
The Thunder Bay high school is run by First Nations and provides education and support services for students who move to the city from 23 remote communities in northern Ontario.
"One of Mr. Kakegamic's greatest strengths is his student-centred approach," the notice from the Toronto District School Board said.
The Toronto school is making plans to serve First Nations students from kindergarten to Grade 12. Currently it only runs to Grade 8.
"Becoming involved in the education field has always been a dream of mine since Grade 3," Kakegamic said. "Continuing this dream in Toronto is amazing."