Magnus Theatre's latest play inspired by mom's record collection
'Mama's Country Record Collection' features dozens of country music hits from the 1970's

It took three years for Thom Currie to finally finish his play, Mama's Country Record Collection, which is now showing at Magnus Theatre in Thunder Bay.
He began to write the play in 2006, but it didn't come to fruition until his mother's death in 2009. After she died, Currie and his siblings sorted through her belongings and came across her record collection. That's where Currie found the inspiration to finish his play.
A couple of years ago, Currie was running a theatre in southern Ontario, and he wanted to create some country-themed programming. That was when he realized that he could craft a play that showcases country music hits, based on his childhood memories.
'Really seeped into my DNA'
Twice a year, the Currie family would take a road trip from New York to Ontario, listening to music that would eventually become the soundtrack for Thom Currie's play.

We'd tune the AM radio to the country station because she thought that was the best music for driving in those days," said Currie. "That really seeped into my DNA."
It's country music hits from the 1970s that make Mama's Country Record Collection what it is.
"If you come to the show you're going to see about 60 top 10 country hits played live, in their original styles,`he continued. "The story is almost secondary. The story was devised as a vehicle to get these incredible top 10 hits on stage."
Play showcases Thunder Bay talent
The play is brought to life by a couple of multi-instrumentalists and a full live band.
It features Danny Johnson, who Currie greatly admires.
"I think he plays nine different instruments over the course of the show," he said. "There is one scene where he's playing the accordion and the piano at the same time."
Robyn Harrison, who hails from Nova Scotia, is another instrumentalist who stars in the play. She plays six instruments throughout the show.
"When the two of them really get going, it's going to be a foot-stomping good time," said Currie.
Mama's Country Record Collection is playing at Magnus Theatre until Saturday, July 22.