New waterfront spot will focus on locally produced beers
The Breakwater Taphouse opens this week

Patrons at Prince Arthur’s Landing will soon have a new place to enjoy a locally brewed beer by the waterfront.
The Breakwater Taphouse opens later this week in the former CN station and is the newest business along the waterfront.
It has taken the owners several months to obtain a liquor licence in the building that used to hold the Yacht Club.

“So we’ve been certainly working on it, certainly for a really, really long time and hoping that we could get the licence, “ said owner Kerry Berlinquette. “It finally arrived at the end of July, after waiting since last September or October.”
Berlinquette said the business will focus on local beers produced in Thunder Bay and Kenora.
A couple of other new restaurants are also opening in the downtown north core.
The Tomlin Restaurant on Red River Road opened this past weekend, while the Red Lion Smokehouse on South Cumberland Street is expected to open soon.