Non-profits use bargain website for fundraising
More than a dozen Thunder Bay groups looking for new ways to fundraise sign up with Smart Betty website

Non-profit organizations in Thunder Bay are trying something new for fundraising by becoming partners with an online shopping website.
The website, known as Smart Betty, offers 50-90 per cent discounts on everything from concert tickets to handbags.
While customers snag deals they can also choose which non-profit association receives 10 per cent of the profit from their internet transaction.
Aaron Del Pino, who operates the website in Thunder Bay, calls it "passive fundraising."
"It costs [non-profits] nothing to partner with Smart Betty and the buyer actually gets to choose which non-profit they'd like Smart Betty's portion to go to," Del Pino said.
Will take time to catch on
For organizations like the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra who are looking for new ways to reach potential ticket buyers, it may be a way to attract younger people.
"We're finding that our … younger demographic is not coming in," said Emily Carr, the TBSO’s marketing manager. "And younger for us means anywhere [under] 60 … we're just trying to branch out."
The TBSO used Smart Betty to sell tickets for a performance held in April and Carr said the response was positive.
Other non-profits partnered with the site so far are the Thunder Bay Humane Society, St. John Ambulance, Canadian Mental Health Association Thunder Bay, Alzheimer Society Thunder Bay, Crime Stoppers Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Diving Club, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation, First Murillo Scouts, The Arthritis Society of NWO, Friends of Olivia and Northern Lights Dog Rescue.
Carr said she thinks the payoff that could come from the partnership Smart Betty may not come quickly, however.
"[It] definitely will take time, especially in Thunder Bay," she said. "I think … it always takes Thunder Bay a few years … to get used to the new stuff."
The Smart Betty website, which is modeled after other deal-of-the-day websites like Groupon or WagJag, started up in March
For now, Carr said she hopes it brings more awareness and a few more ticket sales.