Proof of vaccination required for all coaches, spectators, volunteers for indoor sports in northern Ontario
Participants in sports up to age 17 do not require proof of vaccination

Spectators, coaches and volunteers who want to take part in indoor sports in northern Ontario, will have to provide proof of vaccination by mid-October.
The seven public health units across northern Ontario, including the Thunder Bay District Health Unit and Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU) have issued a letter to facility operators, notifying them of the requirement to ensure spectators, volunteers, coaches and game officials over the age of 12, have proof of vaccination.
"Our letter of instruction would apply to facilities that are not municipally operated or owned, and then it would apply also to our entire catchment area, and not only within the specific municipalities that have that policy," said Dr. Kit Young-Hoon, the medical officer of health with the NWHU.
Provincial rules, however, allow players of organized sports up to age 17 not be vaccinated and still participate.
That could change, on a regional level, Young-Hoon said, depending on regional COVID-19 cases.
The rationale for all northern health units to create the policy, is because many organized sports teams travel between health units, so this does reduce some COVID-19 transmission risk, Young-Hoon said.
"It was noted in the provincial regulations that were recently released that there were exceptions given for coaches, and volunteers and officials, so that was felt to be a weakness in the legislation that needed to be addressed."
The rules apply to all indoor sports venues.