OPP conclude 'starlight tour' allegation false
Police say First Nation teenager lied about being stranded by Thunder Bay Police

The OPP have concluded a teenager lied when he said Thunder Bay police officers abandoned him on the outskirts of the city.
Thunder Bay police held a news conference on Monday afternoon to release the results of the investigation of the incident.
The 19-year-old accused the police of picking him up, dropping him off outside the city limits and leaving him to walk back. He claimed the incident, commonly referred to as a "starlight tour" happened on Dec. 2.
Thunder Bay Police Chief JP Levesque said that proved to be a lie.
"When questioned by investigators, the 19-year-old admitted he had fabricated the story," he said.
The teen was a student at Dennis Franklin Cromarty School, but returned home to his First Nation community after he made the allegation.
The school's principal, Jonathan Kakegamic, spoke at the news conference.
"I'm very grateful that this allegation was false," he said. "As a community member of Thunder Bay ... we need to trust our police service."
Levesque said the teen will not be charged with public mischief, adding that he had sent a written apology to the officers and their families.