Ride your bike to Ribfest and get free valet parking

Cyclists heading to Ribfest in Thunder Bay this weekend will have a secure area to store their bikes, now that EcoSuperior is launching its new bike valet service at the event.
Project co-ordinator Raphael Shay said the goal is to make it as easy as possible to cycle to the festival.
“People who bike to an event can easily park their bike … and have a valet watch over their bike for the entire time that they're at the event," said Shay.
The service is free. The portable bike racks and tents can hold up to 105 bikes.
"The bike valet is a very simple bike rack that is simple to put together, so we can easily bring it to events,” Shay said.
“It also has a perimeter fence and a little tent."
EcoSuperior received funding from Tbaytel to pay for the structure, which is being made in Thunder Bay, using a bike rack design often found at triathlons.
Petrie's Cycle and Sports will sponsor the bike valet this weekend.
Ribfest organizers paid for a number of people to provide the service, but Shay said he hopes some volunteers will come forward to help as well.
“Tips are always appreciated," Shay said, as donations will be used to fund more environmental programs.