Meet the dairy farmers behind Slate River Dairy in Neebing
Dairy produces butter, yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, cheese and milk in glass bottles

With the holiday season underway, one of the beverages you're bound to see on store shelves these days is egg nog.
While much of it is made by large dairy producers, there are a few small, local businesses making it as well.
One of them is the Slate River Dairy in Neebing.

For this week's edition of Northern Nosh, I reached owner Wilma Mol to find how the dairy came to be. Tap on the player to hear our conversation.

Slate River Dairy is located at 8 Hwy 608 in Neebing. You can also find their products in some Thunder Bay-area stores.

Northern Nosh is a weekly feature on Up North, CBC Radio One's regional afternoon show for northern Ontario. If you know a food producer you think would make a great story, get in touch!
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