Stubborn ice hampers northern fishing
Ice on lakes north of Thunder Bay still 60 to 90 cm thick

A Thunder Bay-based tourist outfitter says cool weather and thick lake ice this spring will delay the beginning of the fishing season.
The president of Wilderness North said bookings for the end of this month have already been rescheduled into June because float planes can't land to open up remote camps and boats can't be put in the water.
Alan Cheeseman noted a late start like this hasn't happened in years.
"It's similar to 1995-1996, but it's a little early to tell," he said.
"We may have a record. I mean up until now this last decade, it's been fairly reliable for opener."
Ice on lakes north of Thunder Bay is still between 60 and 90 cm thick and it will take a combination sun, wind and rain to break it up, he said.
"It's very inconvenient, especially this time, in this economy," Cheeseman added. "We're not exactly booming right now, so it's a bad time to be losing business to weather."
Cheeseman said he's waiting to see if he'll also be forced to reschedule fishing parties that have booked his lodges for the last week in May.