Thunder Bay calls for events centre partners

The city of Thunder Bay is looking for potential business partners and investors in the proposed Thunder Bay event centre.
The city announced Friday it has issued a "Request for Expressions of Interest."
Pricewaterhouse Coopers is working with the city on the request process.
A news release from the city said the request is for third parties to potentially partner with the city in the operation, programming or financing of the facility, including the arena and convention centre components, as well as other services such as a restaurant and catering provider.
The request also asks for proposals from third-party owners or investors interested in occupying the event centre as an anchor tenant.
Michael Smith, general manager of Facilities, Fleet and Transit Services for the city, said the request process "will help the city gauge, and potentially secure, private sector interest ... which will be an important piece of the puzzle for the project to proceed to a project-ready stage."
The city is also applying to the federal and Ontario governments for funding, and developing a final business plan to confirm the cost of building and operating the multiplex.
Details of the request are available at
Information about the event centre is available at