Thunder Bay convention centre designs released

The designs for Thunder Bay’s convention centre were unveiled today.
The building was created by Toronto-based BBB Architects with a goal of reflecting the building’s multi-use purpose.
"I think definitely there's a stereotype when you hear the word 'arena,’” said Chris O'Reily, Partner with BBB Architects.
“The old semicircular shape roofs that you see in some communities…one of the reasons we designed a different shaped roof was to stay away from that."

O'Reilly and others involved with the project will have more information at an open house Tuesday night which begins at the Italian Cultural Centre at 6 p.m.
"Tonight, we're hoping to get good representation,” said Michael Smith, general manager facilities, fleet and transit services.“There's lots of emotion around the project. We certainly want people come out and have their voice and see what's going."
"This isn't a slam dunk, there's still lots of work to do, and there's certainly lots of things we need to cover off and we're certainly interested in the public's input."
The CBC's Jeff Walters will cover tonight's open house. You can find his live tweets below.
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