Bag tags needed for Thunder Bay garbage collection in July
City to reduce curbside limit to two items as of July 1

Homeowners in Thunder Bay will have to reduce, reuse and recycle even more, if they want to avoid paying for curbside garbage collection.
Effective July 1, the city will reduce its curbside collection to two 'free' items. A third item may be placed at the curb if it has a 'bag tag' affixed to it. Those tags will cost $2.00 each, sold in books of five.
The concept is to reduce the cost of garbage pickup, by reducing one garbage route and truck, through 'route optimization'.
"There are very few houses that have three bags now, or three containers," said Coun. Larry Hebert. "So, I just wondered how much we're going to gain, in a sense, by this. Do you see it reducing our collection amount that much?"
City administration said although many homes in the city already place only two articles out for collection each week, it is expected to still be enough of a change to allow the city to eliminate one garbage route.
Administration said reducing the limit to two items is also following a 'best practice' found throughout the province.
"Is it cleaner to do just a two item limit and be done with it? Absolutely," said Jason Sherband, Manager - Solid Waste and Recycling Services.
"But, this gives people the option, that if they need an additional item of garbage, there's a means to do that."
The city will implement the two-item limit as of July 1.
The hope is to have bag tags sold where city bus passes are available. The tags will also be available at the Victoriaville Civic Centre, Thunder Bay Public Library branches, and city hall.