Thunder Bay hospital admits record number of patients

Thunder Bay's hospital has set an all-time record — but not one that hospital officials are celebrating.
According to data in a report for the hospital board, 469 patients were admitted to beds in the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre on Jan. 26.
Hospital spokesperson Chisholm Poitier said it is the largest number of patients the hospital has ever accommodated at one time.
"The numbers are definitely a challenge,” Pothier told CBC News in an email.
The hospital is currently funded for 395 patients, but has been accepting more patients for months.
The maximum number of admitted patients is supposed to be 431, and even then, patients are placed in treatment rooms, patient lounges and the emergency department.
The hospital has been in a state of gridlock more-or-less since September — the only exception being a few days over Christmas break.
Pothier said the hospital continues to work with the provincial government and local health partners to address the issue.
But in the meantime, he said, the hospital just has to “deal with it.”