Thunder Bay official reminds people to put yard waste in paper bags
The city of Thunder Bay will no longer collect leaves or branches in plastic sacks

Thunder Bay city officials are reminding the public to use only compostable paper bags for yard waste because leaves or branches left in plastic bags will not be picked up.
This is the first time the clear, synthetic plastic bags will not be collected in Thunder Bay.
The change to kraft bags may be "a difficult one" for some residents to grasp, said Jason Sherband, the coordinator of waste diversion and recycling for the city of Thunder Bay.
"We have a bag-tag system, so for instance, if somebody had out stuff that was in clear plastic bags, they certainly would be tagged in terms of why that material wasn't picked up," Sherband said.
Officials said using paper bags allows decomposition in the city's compost area and ends the need for workers to empty plastic bags so they are not left with the other yard waste.
Yard waste can become contaminated when it is bagged in plastic and rain can seep into them, which makes the bags too heavy to be collected, said Sherband.
"Obviously, with change, you're always going to get people that have a hard time with that, that goes without saying, I don't think this is unique to that," Sherband said, adding the paper bag program has been implemented in several other municipalities.
"I think it'll be a lot better, and in time, you won't know the difference. But there's always going to be people that are going to struggle with change," he added.
The city spokesman says many residents have contacted the city to express positive feedback on the change and also to inquire on why it is happening.
So if you want to ensure your yard waste is collected, be sure to leave it curbside in a kraft paper bag.