Hospice Northwest concerned over health care changes

Another health care organization in northwestern Ontario has concerns over changes coming to the delivery of health care in the region.
The Northwest Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) is changing how health care is delivered in the region, so that hospitals will now decide on how care will be delivered by other agencies.
Not all groups are pleased with the changes, including Hospice Northwest, which uses 250 volunteers to provide end-of-life services to over 370 clients last year.
Joan Williams, the Executive Director of Hospice Northwest, is worried her primarily volunteer based organization, may not fit well with the hospital.
"I'm anticipating it might be very difficult if it's the wrong structure. We're working on setting some alternative plans with the LHIN with a more appropriate integration partner in the community."
Williams said the LHIN classifies Hospice Northwest as a community group, of which there are 64 in the northwest. She said they account for less than four per cent of the annual LHIN budget, and may not get the recognition they do now under a new system.
"It's important that corporate cultures match, and that takes a little bit of time."
Williams said her volunteers are highly trained, and essential to the success of her group. She said it would be difficult, and extremely costly, to replace them with employees.
"That model to us, is the key to excellent service delivery. And, to replicate that model within a large organizational structure becomes kind of tricky."
Williams said she does not know of any firm timelines on when the changes will take place, but the LHIN's current working plan runs from 2016 to 2019.