Water restrictions lifted
City residents and businesses can return to normal water use

After two weeks of voluntary water restrictions, city officials say people no longer need to limit wastewater going into the sewage system.
Since the flood two weeks ago, people have been asked to limit the amount of wastewater they were sending into the sewage system.
Now that the sewage plant is running at full capacity, the city has rescinded that request.
This is welcome news to residents who have been foregoing showers, shaving and washing dishes.
Darrell Matson, manager of operations, said the Atlantic Avenue sewage plant is now back to operating at its full pumping capacity.
"What that means for the City of Thunder Bay is that, with the four main pumps being installed, commissioned and tested, we have now returned the main pumping station back to its designed pumping capacity of 750 mega litres a day," Matson said.
"We certainly want to announce that water use can now return to normal."
But acting Mayor Rebecca Johnson said removing the voluntary restrictions doesn't mean people should be wasteful.
"The water restriction is lifted," she said. "But, at the same point in time, it’s very important for people to just conserve water. It's very important that people don't just waste water.
The city's pool facilities — including the Canada Games Complex, Churchill and Volunteer pools — were to open at noon today.