2 capybaras on the loose after escaping pens at High Park Zoo
Police say the large rodents are still in the park

Be on the lookout for a couple rodents of unusual size if you're walking through High Park today.
Two capybaras have escaped their pens in High Park Zoo and are now on the loose in the park, according to Toronto Police.
The dog-sized rodents are native to South America and stand about two feet tall and the average one weighs about 75 to 150 pounds.
UPDATE - ADVISORY<br>High Park Zoo, two missing Capybara ^cb <a href="https://t.co/bvAQ7ptaHA">pic.twitter.com/bvAQ7ptaHA</a>
Residents who spot the 2 capybaras @ large from the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HighParkZoo?src=hash">#HighParkZoo</a> should contact <a href="https://twitter.com/311Toronto">@311Toronto</a> w/ location details. <a href="https://t.co/GMrysxoHGz">pic.twitter.com/GMrysxoHGz</a>