6ix in the 6ix: What's a quintessential Toronto selfie spot?
Where are the obligatory selfie spots in Toronto? We want to see your picks — and pics!
The CN Tower, High Park, the Toronto sign?

Where are the obligatory selfie spots in Toronto? The CN Tower, High Park, the Toronto sign?
We want to see your picks — and pics!
Our new segment 6ix in the 6ix begins in April.
Every Friday, we will feature popular people, places and things as selected by you.
This week, in the spirit of the debut of Song in 6ix winner Britney Davis's From the 6ix video debut, we want you to send us your best Toronto selfies.
Tweet us @CBCToronto or email tonews@cbc.ca with "6ix selfie" in the subject line.
And then watch for your photos on CBC News Toronto at 6 on Friday.