A moment of silence for victims of Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash at Queen's Park
One Ontario man among victims
The Ontario legislature held a moment of silence Monday to remember the victims of the Malaysia Airlines disaster.
A 24-year-old medical student from Ajax, Ont., was among nearly 300 people who were killed Thursday when the flight was shot down over Ukraine.

Andrei Anghel is believed to be the lone Canadian on board. Premier Kathleen Wynne and others expressed grief over the loss of Anghel on Friday when it was discovered he was on board the plane, heading for a vacation in Bali, Indonesia.
Ukrainian officials say the plane was shot down by a mobile missile battery from a pro-Russian, rebel-controlled area in eastern Ukraine.
They say the rocket launcher was supplied from Russia and operated by Russian personnel.
Pressure has been growing on Russian President Vladimir Putin to rein in the insurgents in Ukraine and allow a full-scale investigation.
The United States and others say Russia backed and armed the rebels, but Russia has denied backing the separatists.