Friends of Andrew Kinsman, missing for over a week, desperate for leads
Andrew Kinsman last seen June 26 in the Parliament and Winchester streets area

Ted Healy ran into Andrew Kinsman — a close friend of 20 years — as Pride festivities were winding down after the grand parade.
Kinsman told him he was heading home to have dinner and they parted ways. That would be the last time Healy saw him.
For over a week, friends of the 49-year-old have agonized over his whereabouts, after he was last seen in the Parliament and Winchester streets area on June 26. Friends say he would never simply up and leave and as a result, police have since deemed the missing person's case "suspicious."

"He was happy. He was upbeat. He talked about his job. He was hopeful about his job," Healy said, recounting their last conversation.
"He would not leave all of us hanging like this. It's very out of character."
Housemate Meaghan Marian said "[Kinsman's] one of the most predictable, responsible people in my whole life."
"It was totally unexpected. My text messages to him on [June 26] were not answered."
Friends said Kinsman would never leave his beloved cat without making appropriate arrangements.
When friends entered his residence, they found the cat thirsty and no toys left on the bed — something he usually does when leaving for an extended period of time.
"He always arranges for his cat to be fed," Marian said.
Andrew Kinsman is described as approximately 6-foot-2 with a medium to stocky build, brown hair in a buzz cut, has a beard and wears glasses.
He has a vertical scar on each knee and two tattoos: a word on his right bicep and left side of his chest.
Police ask public for tips
At a Thursday news conference, investigators urged anyone who saw or spoke to Kinsman, "as insignificant as they may think it is," to contact police.
Det. Barry Radford said investigators were "aware" of a few other missing person's cases in the vicinity but their current focus is centred on locating Kinsman.
"We have reviewed them. We're still continuing the investigation to see the relevance those missing people have in regards to Andrew's disappearance," Radford said.
"It requires further in-depth study and investigation."

Police have scoured Kinsman's Cabbagetown residence as well as a 300-square-metre grid in the area surrounding it.
Friends and neighbours have also canvassed the neighbourhood.
Kinsman is a staff member at the Toronto HIV/AIDS Network and a longtime volunteer at other community organizations, according to friends.
"I really can't say enough about how important he is in all of the communities he's part of," Marian said.
"We really want to bring him home. We miss him terribly."
With files from Lisa Xing