Ford and Wynne like each other's smiles
See the debate in 60 seconds, plus where the leaders will be

Time for your daily guide to the campaign trail, packed with spars from the leaders' debate, new numbers in our Poll Tracker and why Guelph is a riding to watch.
- Ford looking into why paid supporters were used at debate | Ford's team admits a local candidate hired actors from a casting agency to take part but said "it will not happen again."
- London West PC candidate Andrew Lawton admits to "reckless" past | Critics blast Lawton's past comments as racist, homophobic and inflammatory — you can see them here. His public confession comes after PCs booted candidate Tanya Granic Allen for similar past comments.
- NDP leader works to grab the spotlight in debate | Analysis from last night's debate shows how Andrea Horwath could be a contender this campaign.
- Parties already 'microtargeting' voters online | It's something to keep your eye on as you scroll through your newsfeed this election.
The moment
The party leaders traded blows during Monday night's lively leaders' debate in Toronto.
Liberal leader Kathleen Wynne and NDP leader Andrea Horwath dug into PC leader Doug Ford on his lack of specifics surrounding cuts. Ford fired back, hounding Wynne for her record on healthcare, hydro and housing. Horwath wasn't spared, with Wynne calling her plan "magical thinking."
But the oddest moment of all was when Ford turned to Wynne and said she had a nice smile. Wynne returned the compliment but later called his quip "disappointing" and the kind of comment she had "come to expect" from him.
Riding to watch
Guelph, population 131,790
If there's one place to watch the Greens this election, it's in Guelph.
The party's leader Mike Schreiner is running here and he's already been out campaigning with top Green names — federal Green Party Leader Elizabeth May was back in town over the weekend and joined him door knocking.

The Greens placed third here in 2014 with 19.17 per cent of the vote, not far behind the second place PCs (21.05 per cent). Longtime Liberal MPP Liz Sandals won with 41.33 per cent but she's not running for re-election. Will her departure mean Green gains?
Poll tracker

The latest numbers show the NDP is up in support while both the PCs and the Liberals have slipped — though ever so slightly. Take a look at the breakdown here.
Where they are
- Ford: Announcement in Toronto (10 a.m.), campaign kickoff in Etobicoke. (6 p.m.)
- Horwath: Question period (10:30 a.m.), campaign event in Scarborough. (2:30 p.m.)
- Schreiner: Parry Sound-Muskoka campaign kickoff in Huntsville. (7 p.m.)
- Wynne: Parkdale-High Park campaign kickoff in Toronto (3 p.m.), Toronto-Danforth campaign kickoff (4:20 p.m.), Scarborough North campaign kickoff (6:00 p.m.)

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