'Everything hasn't been perfect in Kathleen Wynne's Ontario,' say Liberals
Here's why Kiiwetinoong, the province's largest riding geographically, is one to watch

As the campaign nears the one week mark, the leaders are starting to break out of the big-city bubble, with planned stops in Watford, Sarnia, Kitchener, Cambridge and the Niagara area today.
Here's what you need to know as the campaign hits day six.
- Green Party trots out platform with basic income, road tolls
- Perhaps the biggest news out of Monday's platform announcement is the Green's plan to introduce road tolls to pay for transit. That would include tolls on the 400-series highways coming into the GTA.
- Here's how many women are running in the election
- 56 per cent of the NDP's candidates are women — the first time in Ontario a major political party has more women than men running. The Liberals say 45.5 per cent of their candidates are women. The PCs did not give a specific number.
- Liberals say there's a $5.7B budget mistake in NDP's platform
- Liberal officials say it appears the NDP subtracted $5.7 billion in new spending initiatives built into the latest budget. NDP leader Andrea Horwath went on the defensive when asked about it, attacking Liberals on their record.
The moment

After a weekend of dancing around talk of a potential coalition with the Liberals, NDP leader Andrea Horwath came out this morning and explicitly said there's no way she would do it.
"I have no interest in a coalition government with the Liberals," she said Monday, during a campaign stop in Brampton. The statement went a lot further than her answer on Sunday, where she said she would have to wait until election day before making any decisions.
The move comes as PC Leader Doug Ford was already criticizing both parties over coalition talk.
Here's what he tweeted Monday morning:
The people of Ontario want change, not some backroom deal by the NDP to keep the Liberals in power. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/onpoli?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#onpoli</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ONelxn?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ONelxn</a>
The Liberals put out a new ad over the weekend — and they're cribbing a line from Stephen Harper's 2015 Conservative ad campaign.
"Okay, I get it," a woman in the ad says while walking through a field. "Everything hasn't been perfect in Kathleen Wynne's Ontario."
The Liberals have a new campaign ad out. It talks about Kathleen Wynne, but doesn’t show her. <a href="https://t.co/Q46rGpOqQT">https://t.co/Q46rGpOqQT</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/onpoli?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#onpoli</a> <a href="https://t.co/Mn3GDf1chQ">pic.twitter.com/Mn3GDf1chQ</a>
The federal Conservatives used a similar line in their re-election ads, stating "Stephen Harper isn't perfect." Notably, both ads don't feature their respective party leaders.
Riding to watch
Kiiwetinoong, population 32,987, profile by Jeff Walters
This new riding was created to boost Indigenous representation at Queen's Park; 68 per cent of the riding's population is Indigenous. While it may be the province's largest geographically, it has among the fewest constituents — and it's unclear which party will end up winning.
All three of the major party candidates are well-known locally: the PCs are running Clifford Bull, chief of Lac Seul First Nation; for the Liberals, it's Doug Lawrance, mayor of Sioux Lookout. The NDP have Sol Mamakwa, health advisor with the Nishnawbe Aski Nation. The three men have worked together on a variety of projects in Sioux Lookout related to health.
Campaigning may prove to be tricky given most of the communities are only accessible year-round by plane.
Where the leaders are
- Ford: Announcement in Niagara Falls (10:30 a.m.), factory tour in Smithville (12 noon), meet and greet in St. Catharines (1:30 p.m.), rally in Niagara Falls (6 p.m.)
- Horwath: Healthcare announcement in Brampton (9 a.m.), dairy farm visit in Watford (2:00 p.m.), event in Sarnia (6 p.m.)
- Schreiner: Platform launch in Toronto (9:15 a.m.), housing announcement in Etobicoke (1 p.m.), transit announcment in Mississauga (4:30 p.m.), Peel leaders' debate (8 p.m.)
- Wynne: Trades announcement in Toronto (9:15 a.m), carpenters' labour union visit in Cambridge (4 p.m.), BBQ with supporters in Kitchener (6 p.m.)
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