Can you top this wicked Roncesvalles pumpkin? readers sent us their photos, but we want to see more

Inspired by the amazing Roncesvalles pumpkin, our audience has responded to the challenge and shared with us their best Jack-O-lanterns.
Yesterday CBC Toronto located what we think is an early favourite to win the informal crown of Toronto's top pumpkin.
This eye-catching Jack-O-Lantern called to us from on a porch along Roncesvalles Avenue. We see it as a near masterpiece sure to put any triangle-eyed, crescent-mouth creation to shame.

This pumpkin's features include:
- A massive curved tongue that extends from a gaping mouth and appears to be sculpted from pumpkin flesh.
- A popped-out eye that hangs from an optic nerve and is convincingly modelled from the pumpkin's stringy innards.
- Pumpkin skin peeled back to expose a brain with richly detailed folds, also carved from pumpkin flesh.
- An extended, over-size hand that appears to be picking apart its own brain.
We've since learned this wicked pumpkin is the work of Paul Swayze, who makes his living creating sets for films and commercials.

And while we think this pumpkin will be hard to top, we'd like to see any you think are better. Flag them to us on our twitter account @CBCToronto or CBC's Facebook page.
We'll publish images of the best ones inside this story and may show them on our supper hour news show CBC News Toronto.
Here's some of the best pumpkins our audience has shared with us on Twitter.