Saved by Netflix — woman unhurt after SUV slams into house
Homeowner 'would have been pinned to the wall' had she not left kitchen to watch some late-night TV
A Toronto woman says she would have been struck by an SUV that crashed into her kitchen had she not decided to watch Netflix in another room. Her husband, meanwhile, slept through the whole thing.
"Someone pretty much drove straight through my home," homeowner Niki Stamac said.
Police say the crash happened 3:45 a.m. Sunday, when a car travelling north on Chisholm Avenue mounted a curb at Hampstead Avenue and continued north into the house.

Stamac said she was in the kitchen just 10 minutes before.
"I would have been pinned to the wall had I not decided to watch Netflix," she said. "My first instinct was to open the car door and find out if the driver was OK."
No one in the home was injured in the crash and paramedics say the driver suffered only minor injuries.
The damage to the house, however, is "very extensive," Staff Sgt. Mark Alphonso told CBC News.

Stamac's husband Marko said he fell asleep about a half hour before the incident and somehow managed to sleep through the sound of a car crashing through the home.
"I just saw an SUV in our living room," he said. "I think I'm still dreaming."
"Nightmare, I think, is the better word," added his wife.
The couple has been living in the home for two years and say they often worry about the nearby Chisholm and Hampstead intersection.
"There's too many accidents. They don't stop at the stop signs," said neighbour Kerry Hackett, who added that she'd like to see the city put pylons in front of houses this close to the street to prevent future accidents.