Sounds of the Season Instagram Live 'Kindness Q&A's' with Jason D'Souza
Join Fresh Air host on CBC Toronto's Instagram Live with guests on Dec. 10 & 17 at 11:30 a.m. EST

In previous years during Sounds of the Season, we've invited you to visit our building's atrium to meet your favourite CBC hosts. Though we can't invite you down to the CBC Broadcasting Centre this year, we invite you to join in the conversation about community, kindness and addressing food insecurity with a series of Instagram Lives through December.
Fresh Air host Jason D'Souza will interview local changemakers about the importance of kindness in our community. Starting on Thursday, Dec. 10, join us at 11:30 a.m. on Instagram (@CBCToronto) and send us your questions or comments.

December 10 - Volunteer Carol Cooper
Jason will speak with Carol Cooper about her volunteer work providing food and other essential supplies to people experiencing homelessness in Toronto.

Carol Cooper is a full-time hairdresser by profession. Four years ago, when she asked her 18 year old son what he wanted for Christmas, he said he wanted to feed the homeless because they both had a passion for helping others. No organization had need for their volunteer services at the time, so Carol and her son decided to start their own initiative to buy, cook and prepare meals for the homeless. Fast forward to 2020: Carol now accepts clothing, produce and freshly baked goods from her friends and community members and she spends every Friday night handing out food and clothing to the homeless in Toronto.
December 17 - Jessica Mclauglin, Coordinator - Indigenous Food Circle
Jason will speak with Jessica Mclaughlin, coordinator with the Indigenous Food Circle and guest on Season 2 of the Hard to Stomach podcast.

Jessica Mclaughlin is the Coordinator of the Indigenous Food Circle. This work is focused around Indigenous food systems in the Thunder Bay area. Mclaughlin looks at philanthropy and supporting communities financially through her work with the Northern Ontario Indigenous Food Sovereignty Collaborative. Mclaughlin was one of the guests featured in Season 2 of the Hard to Stomach podcast, focused on how communities are adapting to address food insecurity amidst the pandemic.