Councillor's missing bike a case for social media
Beaches councillor turns to social media after bike goes missing

Who stole Mary-Margaret McMahon's bicycle?
The Beaches-East York councillor has started a social media campaign to answer that question, but more importantly retrieve her bike, which went missing on Tuesday at City Hall.
McMahon began tweeting about her bike at the end of the work day, using hashtags like #sadcouncilor and #biketo and posting a photo of a snipped bike lock as well as her standing next to her bike during happier times.
McMahon also used the opportunity to reinforce the need for bike stations at City Hall — a hot-button issue earlier this summer. The bike stations will include underground parking for bicycles and showers. Opponents of the stations, including mayor Rob Ford, worried the stations would be used inappropriately.
McMahon reminded her followers stations were a theft deterrent.
McMahon's Twitter campaign comes weeks after a Toronto woman went online to get her stolen bike returned. Meg Norton set up a Gmail account specifically for anyone with information about her bike and tweeted her pleas. The bike was eventually returned.
McMahon is hoping for the same for her light yellow, single-speed cruiser, which she calls the love of her life.
She is offering muffins for its safe return.