DJ's fan thrilled to be smashed by cake at Toronto concert
Steve Aoki lands direct hit on 19-year-old Mississauga man, much to fan's delight
Electronic DJ Steve Aoki's caking of a 19-year-old crowd surfing quadriplegic man at a Toronto music festival over the weekend is being described as one of his best tosses yet.
"Pretty much every time I have ever seen Aoki I've always prayed to get caked," said Ian McAdam, whose video of the crowd-crazed incident has gone viral online. "It was just right spot, right time."
'Pretty much every time I have ever seen Aoki I’ve always prayed to get caked.' —Quadriplegic fan Ian McAdam
The Mississauga electronic music fan was attending VELD Music Festival over the weekend at Downsview Park with his brother and a group of friends when he was "volun-told" he was going to the front.
"Five or six ripped dudes picked me up and carried me 20 or 30 feet into the crowd towards the front," McAdam said.
Describing his wheelchair as weighing upwards of 350 lbs, McAdam said the "juice heads" had him suspended in the air near the stage when he captured Aoki's attention.

The U.S. DJ has garnered fame for his signature on-stage antics of throwing cakes into the crowd, sometimes at close range.
"As soon as Steve saw me he instantly went for one of his bigger cakes and right at the drop of the track just hail maryed it," said McAdam, estimating the cake was launched a distance of about 20 metres. "The last thing I see before I clench my eyes is just 'Dim Mak' written on the cake — that's his record label."
A video shot by McAdam's brother Erik captures the moment as Aoki climbs atop the DJ booth and tosses the cake, which spirals through the air.
"Right after it happened it was literally Super Bowl touchdown," McAdam said. "I was definitely thankful everyone was so willing to help me."
The caking also led to a backstage meeting after the show with Aoki and some of his other favourite artists.
"Those guys are so nice," McAdam said. "Aoki is hands down the most fun artist to see."