Doug Ford raises $300,000 from 738 donors
Ford claims small donations from 'people of Toronto' in abbreviated campaign

Mayoral candidate Doug Ford raised $300,000 in a short, six-week mayoral campaign, according to a donors list he released on Sunday.
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Ford's release follows donation disclosures from Olivia Chow and John Tory. Ford gave a speech upon releasing the list, and contrasted his donations with those of Tory.
"A quick look at John Tory’s donor list proves what I have been saying from day one," said Ford. "The real story is John is the candidate of the political insiders, the lobbyists, the consultants and some of the richest families in the country, the elites."
Ford went on to allege Tory's donors, who contributed a total of $2.5-million to his campaign, will "expect something in return" once Tory gets into office.
"The city belongs in the hands of the people," said Ford.
Some 5,000 donors contributed to Tory's campaign.
Chow had raised more than $1.7 million as of mid-day Oct. 21. Nearly 7,000 people contributed to her campaign, according to her release.
Both Tory and Chow launched their campaigns in spring.
Since Sept. 12, the day Ford registered to run for mayor, 738 people donated to his campaign.
Ford was a late entry to the race as his brother, Mayor Rob Ford, was originally running for re-election. He stepped out of the mayor's race to run for Ward 2 after being diagnosed with a malignant tumour. Ward 2 is Doug Ford's current ward, and Rob Ford's former ward.
Torontonians head to the polls on Monday. Advance voting closed last Sunday. Over six days, 161,147 voters cast their ballots between Oct. 14 and 19.
In the last mayoral election, in 2010, 77,391 advance poll ballots were cast.