Premier calls use of 'N-word' 'unacceptable behaviour' but won't say trustee should resign
York District School Board trustee Nancy Elgie has been under pressure to resign after using racial slur

Despite calling the use of the "N-word" unacceptable — Premier Kathleen Wynne stopped short of saying that Nancy Elgie, the York District School Board trustee who admitted to using a racial slur in reference to a parent, should resign.
Wynne was asked about Elgie on Wednesday, and said there's "a lot of pressure on this individual; she's going to have to search her conscience and make a decision for herself."
Watch the full exchange below.
Though pressed multiple times, Wynne refused to say Elgie should resign.
On Tuesday, Education Minister Mitzie Hunter said Elgie needs to step down, joining several other voices — including parents, school trustees and MPPs — who have called for the same.
As an elected official, Elgie cannot be forced to resign or be removed from office.
Wynne chose to focus on concerns about the culture at the school board, citing the investigation that's currently happening.

"Systemic racism is not about one individual," she said.
When asked if she would ask one of her MPPs to resign if they used such a phrase, Wynne answered: "It's unacceptable behaviour to me... Yes, it's unacceptable behaviour to me."